
National Tree Growing Agenda Contribution

Our Founder’s singular dedication to safeguarding the planet for future generations has long since seeped into the I&M Bank and Foundation culture. We have been involved in hundreds of tree planting activities from branch level all the way to senior leadership. These projects have been undertaken through different functions of the Bank and not just the Foundation.
In December 2023 for example, I&M Bank Kenya with support from the I&M Foundation heeded the call by the Government of Kenya to step up and stand on the right side of history following the declaration of Monday 13th a holiday to plant and grow trees in a campaign to combat the adverse effects of climate change.


The activities were carried out by Nairobi and upcountry branches.The Nairobi team planted 500 indigenous trees. Upcountry branches planted more than 5,500 trees to bring the total number of trees planted to over 6,000.


Location: Countrywide

Impact: Over 430, 000 trees planted and hundreds of jobs created across Kenya.

Duration: Ongoing since the 2020s

Partners: Miti Alliance, Nguzo, KCDF, MEDA-F, NCDF and A ROCHA Kenya.